- v3.0 (in developing) - 09 March 2016
- Twitter Tweet Generator -  removed a limit of 140 characters
- Added VKontakte Message Generator
- Improved Admin Panel
- Fixed fixed error if the server is not set date.timezone in php.ini

- Update Bootstrap to v3.3.6
- Update Font Awesome to v4.4.0

- v2.6 - 3 August 2015
- Added to the admin panel setting watermark_image
- Added ability to add a picture in "Facebook Status"
- Added arrow in top-right template "Facebook status"
- Added option for using {{LINK}} to simulate link in message "Facebook status"
- Fixed a bug in the menu links
- Fixed typo in the "policy"
- Fixed bug set spaces at the beginning of a link to a image
- Fixed not save loaded pictures in the profiles of Facebook status and Facebook chat

- v2.5 - 16 June 2015
- Added page "Policy and Term"
- Added page "About us"
- Added to reply to a comment in "Facebook status"
- Added to the admin panel setting paypal donate options
- Added to the admin panel setting watermark
- Added to the admin panel setting watermark_text
- Added to the admin panel setting watermark_color
- Added to the admin panel setting watermark_opacity
- Added to the admin panel setting page_about
- Added to the admin panel setting page_police
- Added to the admin panel setting facebook_comments
- Added to the admin panel setting facebook_app_id
- Added to the admin panel setting show_version
- Fixed minor responsive error
- Minor fixes

- v2.4 -  23 May 2015
- Added languages (Arabic, Deutsch, Español, Greek, Polski, Russian, Türkçe)
- Added to the admin panel setting main_block_text_color
- Added to the admin panel setting bg_gradient_color
- Added to the admin panel setting bg_main_color
- Added to the admin panel setting google analytics
- Fixed bug page translation
- Fixed size of the preview image on the page return from social networks
- Fixed small errors in js

- v2.3 - 18 May 2015

Attention the old file translation does not work!

- Added into admin panel setup images_save_days (defaut 0 days)
- Added visitor of the site can change the language of fasting different from the main language of the site
- Changed translation algorithm 
- Changed link social buttons, now point to the page
- Fixed some translation errors

- v2.2 - 13 May 2015
- Added ability in admin panel to enable/disable RTL
  (If the admin panel is the RTL, users are given a choice in the creation of RTL or LTR)
- Added support RTL
- Added ability in admin panel to enable/disable services (facebook_status, facebook_chat, twitter_tweet, twitter_message)
- Added input "Add photo" text in section Twitter Message
- Added input "Send message" text in section Twitter Message
- Added input "Following" text in section Twitter Tweet
- Added input "Follow" text in section Twitter Tweet
- Added input "Share" text in section Facebook Status
- Added 404 error page
- Fixed bug with translation
- Fixed error links in menu
- Changed social buttons

- v2.1 - 12 May 2015
- Fixed ads blocks
- Fixed error on download image

- v2.0 - 12 May 2015
- Added the ability to create their own translation
- Added multilanguage
- Added admin pane
- Added gallery images in the admin panel
- Added simple configuration
- Added SEO friendly
- Fixed an error keeps if the php in strict mode
- Minor fixes
- For install or update read file readme.txt

- v1.1 - 11 May 2015
- Fixed img download button
- Fixed bug preview images

- v1.0 - 10 May 2015
- Release